Our guest this week is the third in a series of 3 Episodes featuring different approaches to running therapy. This is the perfect one to wrap up our series, because it has components of partner running (empathy runs), as well as opportunity to work through William Pullen's Dynamic Running Therapy on one's own. A Therapist who values and has studied philosophy and psychology, and applies many key aspects of mindfulness to his work. DRT can be used in so many ways, many of which we discuss in this episode. Furthermore, this movement therapy is incredibly accessible through the free app he has developed, as well as his book/interactive workbook "Running with Mindfulness: Dynamic Running Therapy to Improve Low-Mood, Anxiety, Stress and Depression". It has been called a radically simple approach combining elements of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, relational philosophy and exercise.
We discuss why it is ideal for individuals that want to deepen their running practice, and get more in touch with themeselves and their emotions through self-introspection questions. Pullen's voice navigates us in this episode, but also he does so even more eloquently through his App for each area of therapy, an explanation and guidance. Movement and getting moving is especially valuable to those that are dealing with any difficult emotions such as self esteem issues, anger, stress, depression or anxiety on a regular basis. There is also a healthy relationship practice, which deals with questions together through "empathy runs", in which a couple/pair practices active listening and deep sharing in organized turns. Pullen developed DRT to "bring the mind into perfect harmony with the body through the healing experience of mindful running". Channeling running energy into personal change in all aspects of our life is made both simple and effective by this insightful step-by-step process, developed through years of therapy and mindfulness practice. In everything we do, he encourages us to just get moving, make small changes and positive results will naturally flow from them. His guidance has helped countless people to do so, and his story is both uplifting and inspiring! Please visit his website and see the following videos to gain some perspective on the work, and give the app a try:
His Therapy page, where he explains more about methods and types of therapy offered: http://williampullenpsychotherapist.com/
Video Explanation:
His TED Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq6393AreD4
Find his Books on Amazon:
Running With Mindfulness: https://www.amazon.com/Running-Mindfulness-Dynamic-Low-mood-Depression/dp/0735219796
Run for Your Life: https://www.amazon.com/Run-Your-Life-Mindful-Running/dp/B01MSYFBYI
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